In fifth grade I dressed up as Frankenstein for Halloween. I remember this specific Halloween because I was in costume-- green greasepaint, neck bolts and a paper mache' head piece while every other kid was in a t-shirt and store-bought mask. Those kids were amazed that I'd gone to so much trouble. I was completely embarrassed, maybe even mortified, but also kinda proud.
Here's a great blog post about the book-- Movie Monsters, I read so many times, I had it memorized-- that had the costume instructions.

And here's me as Frankenstein, circa 1978. I'm trying to hold my hands like the Frankenstein illustration. Whenever I do monster/zombie/vampire hands now, I still hold 'em that way.

Thirty years later, I'm turning 40, itching to get a new tattoo, but having trouble pinpointing the right image. I'd recently been through a particularly rough break-up, did some work getting my head screwed back on straight, and was feeling a bit renewed, greater than the sum of my parts/past, downright Frankenstein-esque. I think you can guess where this is going.

That's the right side of my torso, hipbone to armpit. Yes, I'm hirsute. Five one-hour sessions with Sam Parker at
Memorial Tattoo and now I have the instructions on how to make a Frankenstein mask with me... all the time.
Here's me as Frankenstein in 2008.

It turned out a little Fresh Prince hi-fade, but gets better every year. So, yes, I'm another Frankenstein-obsessed monster kid.
Here's my 2010 edition:

Oh, yeah, Garage Rock! Here's a mix I made of 21 songs about Frankenstein for Halloween. Download and enjoy!
Happy Halloween! Er, Happy New Year!